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Our Facilities
Students at Excite are gifted with the comfort of dancing in a purpose built dance premises over 600sqm and dedicated cheerleading gym. Only 6 minutes from Penrith station and across the road from Jamison Park, Excite is easily accessible.
When walking into the reception area you will be greeted by our professional team who are more than happy to assist you. Both parents and students have access to individual waiting rooms. With ducted air conditioning, TV's playing up-to-date content and sitting areas, students and parents both experience a relaxing and comfortable atmosphere at Excite.
Students are able to prepare for afternoon classes by using our purpose built change rooms, bathrooms and kitchen facilities. With shelving to place their belongings in, student's are able to easily transition into the studio space whilst ensuring a safe walk way for others to use.
With observation windows placed in each studio, parents are able to view their child's progress and feel a sense of transparency between the staff and parents. We also maintain a uniform area for families to preview and try the latest Excite uniform before purchasing.
4x spacious purpose built studios
Sprung flooring
Fully ducted air conditioning
Full length mirrors
Wall mounted barres
Tarkett flooring and wooden tap floors
Comfortable parent waiting area
Dedicated student relaxation zone
Student homework area
Purpose built change rooms
Kitchen and Bathroom facilities
Reception area, staffed throughout the afternoon
Purpose built cheerleading and tumbling gym
Fully sprung floor
2x Air tracks
Gym ladder
Tumbling aids
Air conditioned waiting area
Kitchenette and Bathroom facilities

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